3 Tips to Figure Out What Digital Product to Create

It can be intimidating when you are first creating a digital product, but you have to just do it. I know that sounds cheesy, but you will learn so much from the process.

Struggling to figure out what your customers want from you? These 3 tips to figure out what digital product to create will take the guesswork out of it.

Yes, it won’t be perfect, but there will be time to edit or update it later on.

Today, I want to share with you 3 tips to figure out what digital product to create for your audience.

#1 - Just ask your audience

The best way to come up with ideas is to ask your audience. We often think we know what they want, but until you actually ask all your doing is guessing.

Trust me, guessing can cost you a lot of money and time.

There is no shame in asking your audience what you can help them with or what they are struggling with right now,

Here are a few ways I’ve done this:

Email - You can send out a survey to your audience. I recommend that you ONLY ask them a few specific questions. There will be times when you can survey for more details, but for the purpose of creating a digital product you want to ask an open-ended question about what they are struggling with (insert your niche). Or, what is the goal they are working towards?

Chat - Get on a call with someone who you would love to work with or who would be a perfect customer. Prepare a few specific questions and just chat through the issues they are having.

Poll - If you have a Facebook group or use Instagram, poll your audience. Give them a few options and see what they choose. The key here is to DM the people who answered the poll and ask some follow-up questions. This will help you to hear their problems in their own words.

If you feel stuck right now on what to create, set aside some time to just talk with potential customers or clients. 

You will learn so much about them and their struggles that your head will be exploding with so many different ideas of what to create. 

#2 - What is easy for you?

When you are thinking about what to create consider what is the easiest way for you to deliver the product.

Do you prefer video? Audio? Screensharing?

This can help you decide on the type of product to create.

In this video, I share my top 3 digital products to create and how I made $18k from a $10 product.

You don’t want to force yourself to make something that will be hard for you to do.

If an online course feels like a lot of work, don’t start with that.

Your goal is to give your audience a transformation, that doesn’t mean it has to be a huge product.

Pick the path of least resistance.

When I first started creating digital products I didn’t want to be on camera, so for me, the easiest thing was to create budgeting spreadsheets.

I didn’t have to record any videos or type out a lot of text but was still able to give my audience a solution to their budgeting issues. 

Plus, I had a limited amount of time to create the product so when I was brainstorming ideas I had to consider how much time I could dedicate to the process.

Yes, the product is about your audience, but you also need to consider what works well for you so that you don’t procrastinate or feel overwhelmed with the process.

#3 - Do a brain dump

If you are still unsure what to create, do a brain dump.

Set aside some time where you can be alone to just write out all the ideas you have in your head.

Literally, just get everything onto paper. Then, take a few ideas and break them down.

One thing I like to do take an idea that I have and then map it out. 

I will create an outline of everything I want the product to include. 

Doing this helps me to see which ideas are more thorough and will easily give my audience a solution. 

You will be amazed with all of the ideas you will come up with. The hard part then is deciding which one you should do first.

Remember, that it doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t need to have fancy course platforms or editing software especially if this is your first digital product.

Like I mentioned above, my first digital product (which I still sell) is Google Spreadsheets. 

You can also check out:

I’m excited for you to get started with your first digital product. Comment below and tell me what tips you have to figure out what digital product to create for your audience.

ProductsAddi Ganley