Follow These 4 Steps Before You Create a Digital Product

Before you create your first or next digital product I want you to go through this 4-step process.

There are a lot of parts to creating a digital product, like your sales page, the onboarding process, the checkout page, etc.

Thinking about creating a digital product to grow or scale your online business. Follow these 4 steps BEFORE you create it to ensure you aren’t wasting time on something no one will buy.

Before you even start thinking about that, I want you to go through this four-step process to ensure that you're going to create something that your audience actually wants to buy.

I don't want you to spend hours or weeks or months creating something that no one is actually going to buy from you.

If you aren’t sure what to create, check out this post: Digital Products You Can Create to Make Money Online



The first step is to figure out who you can actually help.

You need to get very specific with the person or the type of person that you can actually help with your product.

The point of doing this is to make sure you're attracting the right people to you and repelling the people who aren't a good fit for your product.

You can't help everyone and everyone isn't going to be a perfect fit for what you have to offer.

If you haven't started selling anything yet, or if you're just launching your blog or launching your side hustle, and you don't know who you can help, the first thing I recommend you do is actually hop on a call and ask someone.

Do not just assume you know what they want. You have to ASK them.

If you haven’t sold anything or don’t have an audience yet find a family member or a friend or someone who you think would be a good fit for what you are going to create and talk to them about their struggles and their desires.

  • What are their goals?

  • What are they working towards right now?

  • What are they struggling with?


The second thing you need to do is figure out how you can specifically help them.

I made the mistake with my Frugal Fanatic website of trying to help every single person out there.

My goal was just to get more traffic and more leads and try to sell to as many people as I possibly could.

When no one was buying my offers I realize that I couldn't help everyone because the solution that I was offering wasn't good for everyone.

I want you to figure out how YOU can specifically help your target audience.

Narrow down their top 3-5 struggles so you can solve a specific problem for them.

Identify why they haven't solved this problem already in the past or what they have tried in the past to solve this issue and why they're still struggling to solve that problem.


The third thing I want you to do is to figure out what it will be like when their problem is solved.

What does the after look like when they have purchased your product?

What type of emotion do you want them to feel?

What type of experience do you want them to have?

It's all about the emotions that they'll feel and the difference that you're going to make in their life.

When you create this narrative around their problem or where they're at now and where they're going to be, this is where we're going to start to build that connection with your audience.

This is where they're going to feel like, “Oh my gosh, she's reading my mind.”


Identify why they should pay for your specific product or why they should pay for your specific solution that you're offering.

Why should they buy from you?

This is something that a lot of people struggle with because they always say, “I'm not an expert,” or “there's a ton of other people out there who are already doing this.”

This is where you get to offer your unique experiences, knowledge, and expertise, even if you don't feel like an expert, someone is going to buy from you because of how you do it. This is what will set you apart.

Yes, they can get a planner anywhere, but why is yours different.

How are you different?

How is your solution different?

If you are ready to get started, check out The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online With Digital Products

Take the time to go through these four steps before you create a digital product and comment below with your best digital product tips and tricks.

ProductsAddi Ganley