3 Reasons Why You're Not Consistent With Your Content

If you are having trouble creating consistent content for your blog or business, I want to challenge you to think differently about it.

The solution isn’t doing more or adding more content to your schedule.

If you’re already struggling to post once a week then trying to increase that number is only going to make it harder, and make you feel like a failure when you can’t follow through. 

I don’t want that for you.

I want you to try to do less.

Hear me out.

Focusing on one thing whether it is your content, goals or even a social media platform will make it a lot easier for you to show up and feel good about it.

It might feel weird to do less, but it will open up room for you to focus on creating and promoting consistently. 

Once you have the opportunity to make it a habit or part of your weekly routine, then you can expand and move on to other things. 

Check out the 3 reasons why you’re not creating consistent content and what you can do to fix it. Plus, download a FREE copy of my Consistent Content Roadmap!

One of the first steps in creating consistent content is to make a commitment to yourself and your business.

It isn’t about posting daily but creating an intentional plan that works for you.

When you make it a priority and do less as I mentioned above, you will start to become consistent.

When I first started blogging I literally tried to mimic what I saw everyone else doing.

I thought if they were hosting a Facebook Group that I had to do it too.

If they were posting to YouTube I had to do that too.

If they were going live then so did I.

I started to HATE creating content and found myself shying away from my online business.

I went months without posting or connecting with my audience.

The problem for me was trying to follow everyone else’s plan and never having one for myself. 

Start by making a commitment to yourself and prioritizing your content so you can show up in an authentic way that feels good to you.

Below, I am sharing 3 reasons why you aren’t consistent with your content and what you can do to change it.

Reason #1 - Trying to show up everywhere

This is one of the biggest struggles I see with people when they try to get consistent with their content.

Their first reaction is to try to promote their content on every single social media platform that they have for their business even if they don’t have a following there. 

This may work for a few weeks, but trust me, you will quickly burn out.

I recommend that you start by choosing 1-2 platforms to grow your audience and promote your content.

Think about where YOUR audience is hanging out and what platforms YOU are comfortable with.

For me, I have a very limited schedule so I don’t focus my time on platforms where I feel pressured to be live every single day.

This is one of the reasons why I built my business with Pinterest. It allowed me to promote my content without having to be at my computer all the time or feel like I needed to be “on”.

If you have been trying to show up everywhere online then take a step back and consider where and how you should be showing up.

I know it’s hard because there’s constant pressure to try to do it all, but this is where doing less will help you to grow more.

Reason #2 - Consuming before creating

You wake up and the first thing you do in the morning is open your phone and start checking social media or your email. Before you know it, it’s been 20 minutes and you’ve been endlessly scrolling.

We are ALL guilty of doing this.

We waste so much time scrolling our phones whether it is on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or even Clubhouse.

This prevents us from being consistent with our own content because we are wasting so much time-consuming everyone else’s content.

This often leads to comparison problems or shiny object syndrome.

We lose sight of what we are doing and worry about what everyone else in our industry is doing.

We then become indecisive because it makes us feel like what we are doing is wrong or that we are behind in some kind of way.

When you scroll your phone first thing in the morning it causes stress and makes it harder for you to prioritize your own tasks and content.

You need to make a conscious effort to spend less time-consuming content and more time focusing on your content strategies.

I know you won’t completely stop doing it (neither will I!), but here are a couple of things you can try:

  • Create content BEFORE you consume others’ 

  • Set a time limit for how much time you get on certain apps

  • Try to avoid grabbing your phone so you can be more present and mindful

Reason #3 - You don’t have a plan in place

This one seems pretty obvious, but it actually took me YEARS to implement any kind of content marketing strategy.

I was all over the place.

Posting whenever I found time, rarely showing up for my audience and never having any kind of consistency. 

To get consistent with your content you need to be intentional and have a plan to follow.

I don’t mean someone else’s pieced together plan that you think you should be doing, but your own content marketing strategy.

It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but you do need to have a system in place for when you create new content.

Think about:

  • What process do you follow when you write new content?

  • What do you need for video content?

  • How much time does it take to edit?

  • How much time does it take to create graphics?

  • Where do you promote your content?

  • How do you repurpose your content?

All of these things make up YOUR content marketing strategy. 

You can read all about creating your own content marketing strategy here.

Even when you implement all of these things there are still times in your life when you won’t be consistent or something will come up and prevent you from posting that week.

It’s okay.

You have to give yourself grace and not completely give up.

There will be legitimate reasons why you miss deadlines or push things back.

The important part is you push through because I guarantee not many people will even know you posted a day late. 

Comment below and tell us what is holding you back from creating consistent content for your blog or business. 

ContentAddi GanleyContent